Project Outline.
Drone Inspection of all transmission towers on the circuit, providing Hi-Res images for customer review and action, based on a custom shot list created with the customer.
Sole Drone Contractor: Laguna Drones
Circuit ID: Barren Ridge to Haskell Transmission Project.
Starting in the Mojave desert, North of Mojave, and heading south west through Angeles National Forest to Haskell Ridge Sub Station.
Description: Triple 230 kV circuits, usually flanked by a 500kV circuit.
Circuit Length: 61 Miles.
Structures: 300+Towers, (generally 130-220ft high) & 120+ FAA Marker Balls.
Project completed in 3.5 weeks.
- Mojave desert in July
- 2 man flight team
- FAA Approval in advance for Mojave Airspace ( Non LAANC)
- ANF flight approval ( in advance)
- Uploading data for customer review daily
- Covid 19 protocols in place
- No Re-shoots
- Custom Flight schedule for summer desert flying
- Tight schedule coordination & flexibility for optimum production